For its 30th anniversary, the Atelier du Geste is organizing from November 9 - 17, 2013 an exhibition and sale of works of small format (6" x 6") at a special price of $25 each. Over 230 artists from here and abroad will exhibit anonymously more than 800 works: only signed on the reverse, artist names will not be revealed to the buyer at the time of acquisition.
This exhibition aims to fund two projects: first, the transport of works of artists of the Atelier du Geste for an exhibition in France in 2014; on the other, the project Bénin, un défi humain for the construction of a library in the village of Sô-Ava, Benin.
As a participant in this exhibition, I can announce that two of my paintings will be included. I give you a hint: these two works of the Linear series are titled Abysse and Amazonie. It's up to you to find them!
The opening will take place Saturday, November 9, starting at 1 pm.
Looking forward to meet you there,